Resources Roots and BCCO have created on Co-operatives:
- Complete Curriculum and Video Resources from Past Years
- Business Plan and Financials Worksheet
- Political Education / Anti-Oppression Module (in collaboration with AORTA and CDI)
- Resources and research we’ve compiled on Anchor Institution Campaigns
- Work we’re doing on Community Benefit Agreements
- Resources on Why Co-ops Fail
- Presentation on Co-operatives 101 + activity (PDF)
- Presentation Co-operatives 101 + activity (PPT)
Other Resources on Co-ops:
- US Federation of Worker Cooperatives:
- Democracy At Work Institute and their resource page:
- Co-op Fund of New England:
- VAWC Co-op led development
- Worker Co-op Tool Box from Northcountry Cooperative Foundation.
- US Solidarity Economy Network: