
CLICK HERE to donate to Worcester Roots! (PayPal Link)

We are proud to be supported by our community.

Worcester Roots is a grassroots organization sustained by our members – individuals who care about the issues we are passionate about – in Worcester and beyond. Donations sustain our programs and ensure that we are able to provide empowering youth employment, develop and share curricula, and do essential work for environmental, social and economic justice in Worcester.

Scroll to learn more about what donating to Worcester Roots could mean to you!

What to know about donating to Worcester Roots:

Your donation to the Worcester Roots is tax deductible. The easiest way to donate to Worcester Roots is online, through PayPal or with a credit card. 

We also accept checks and cash donations. You can mail checks to our office at: 4 King St, Worcester, MA 01610.

Disclaimer: Funding suggestions from donations will be taken into account whenever possible, but the organization may encounter commitments (and/or lack of need) that may require us to spend some of the donations differently. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work any complications out! 





Or help us grow by becoming a monthly sustainer. Just like roots need regular watering, our Roots need regular contributions and love.

Becoming a Roots Sustainer means your monthly contribution will happen automatically and, your card will be charged in the amount that you set. Monthly contributions are consistent and easy to plan for, while offering sustainability to Roots in the long-term. Simply set an amount that fits your budget, and become an anchor to Roots.

Below, you’ll find an interactive drop-down menu with some pre-filled options. Take a look to see what might fit you best! Once you’ve decided which you’d like to do, access our PayPal at the link below to become a Sustainer!

Monthly Sustainer Options

CLICK HERE to donate to Worcester Roots! (PayPal Link)

From all of us at Worcester Roots: “Thank you for your support!”